We finally found a house semi-affordable that is only 10 minutes away from the church. I'll be honest though, it does not have everything that I want. It only has 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths. I will be losing a master bathroom and walk in closet. I had a chat with the Lord about this and do you know what scripture he gave me?
Philippians 4:11-13 where Paul says:
Philippians 4:11-13 where Paul says:
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Don't get me wrong. I like everything else about the house or I wouldn't be buying it. The Lord knows I like older homes with hardwood floors and homes that are wide open and bright and it has those things. What this is showing me however is it isn't always all about us and everything we want.
When I asked the Lord what was on his heart, he showed me how excited he is to show up through us to this neighborhood! He also confirmed to us that this is where he wants us. The way he did that is through one of my daughters. She came up to me one day before we started looking at houses and told me some numbers kept coming to her mind. I told her to write the numbers in her journal and pray about it because it might mean something.
Well, we started looking at houses and at first we had a hard time finding a house in our price range that would meet our families' needs. We finally found the house. We came home and considered making an offer. I then remembered how numbers were coming to my daughter. I asked her to get her journal. Sure enough, they were the same numbers as the address of the house! The Lord is so good and kind to me that way! Sometimes I need those confirmations in order to have peace.
Speaking of peace, people often think peace is about a feeling. The feeling of peace however should not always be the barometer that tells us which way to go or what to do. If that is our barometer, it can be deceptive; the feeling of peace can be counterfeited. Heck, I actually know people who have left their spouse because they "felt" peace about it.

True peace is when you have a sense of calm even though storms are swirling around you and everything in the natural says you should be anxious. True peace comes when you know you are in God's will even though the external circumstances may look negative.
Taking Jesus as an example, I'm sure he did not "feel" peace about the cross. In fact, we know he was quite troubled and even sweat blood over the thought of it the night before. However, he probably still had a sense of calm knowing he was doing the Father's will.
True peace is a gift and not something we can conjure up on our own. True peace surpasses all understanding - Philippians 4:7.
I hope I can always fix my eyes on the cross of Christ and be more attentive to how He feels and what is on His heart than what my own natural desires are! After all, His desires are more eternal!