I have come to realize that for the believer who is rooted and grounded in the cross of Jesus everything is gain. If everything works out for us and we have abundance, we can rejoice and join our joy to Jesus. If we suffer, that is also gain because we can join our sufferings to the sufferings of Christ and grow in intimacy with him.
A couple years ago I heard a priest say something in his sermon that gave me a new understanding about the Eucharist. He said that when we receive the Eucharist, we have the opportunity to be like St. Thomas and touch the wounds of Christ. Not only that, but we can join our wounds to his wounds!

People probably think something is wrong with me but that's okay because the intimacy with Christ and joy I end up experiencing is overwhelming!
There is a fountain of mercy that flows from Jesus' wounded side and other wounds that I suspect is seldom tapped into! Tapping into this gift however can help us to then be a conduit and channel of his grace to others.
Everything is win, win for the believer! When you know this truth fear has no hold on you and nothing can rob you of joy! People will be attracted to that!
James 1:2 - Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy!
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